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Funeral Plan Insurance

Protect your family from the costs they won’t want to think about. Funeral costs can place a significant financial burden on families at a time when they are likely to be struggling to cope with their loss. Funeral Plans help you to protect your family from that financial burden – making a difficult time a little bit easier.  Claims are handled quickly and efficiently to ensure the money is available for the family when they need it, so they can focus on making the most fitting final arrangements. It’s simple and easy to apply.

You choose the level of cover

Funeral plans generally allow you to nominate your own level of cover, from $5,000 up to $20,000 (depending on the insurer).

Guaranteed acceptance and premiums

Acceptance is automatic, with no health assessment required, if you are aged between 55 and 85 years old. Once your policy is in place your cover and your premiums are guaranteed for life.

How Funeral Plans work (generally)

As soon as your Funeral Plan is in place you are covered for death resulting from an accident. For any other causes, during the first two years of the policy, you will receive a full refund of any premiums paid. After that, you are fully covered for your selected cover amount whatever the cause of death.

Increasing cover to match increasing funeral expenses

Some insurers recognise that the costs of funeral expenses do rise over time, and you may want to increase your Funeral Plan cover to keep pace. The Increasing Funeral Costs benefit allows your Funeral Policy cover to be increased by up to 15% without any health assessment every five years after your policy commences (some limits and exclusions apply).

The above benefits are summary examples only and may not be a full list of benefits which may be available to you.  The exact types of cover and benefits will change depending on the insurer and the specific policy. Please contact me for a comprehensive list of benefits available.

Funeral Cover

Is suitable where you may be a little older and possibly have trouble getting fully underwritten insurance cover, or fully underwritten cover may be too expensive.  This is the ideal cover, especially if you want to make sure that you do not leave your children and family with your funeral costs.  A funeral plan will certainly help alleviate the financial burden at a time when your loved ones are already trying to cope with a loved one’s departure.

Funeral Plan Quote

Please contact us for a quote for your funeral plan.

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